Monday, October 21, 2019

Week 17...Une bonne semaine!!!

So Gabi sounds better each week, which we are thrilled about! Here is her weekly email.

Bonjour mes amis!!!! 
Wow another awesome week!!! So this week started off great with a super fun district p day!! We all met in a city called Chartes and we visited a really cool cathedral and played a lot of card games! It was actually my first time visiting a cathedral which is crazy because I've been here for almost 3 months!! It was a great day! Me and Sœur Popoca ate a lot of fun French food too!!! I definitely need to start running more often!
I also had exchanges this week in Évry. It was really fun to be able to teach one of the other sisters amis and it's always good to see other missionaries!! During our exchange we taught a woman named maurine about the priesthood. She didn't understand why she needed to be baptized twice! But after a really great lesson she understood and said she was willing to be baptized! We asked her to pray about it and the other sœurs will be talking to her more about it next week! It was such a cool experience!
This week we had a lot of people cancel and it was hard because we were Paris for 2 days but we made the most of our time and had some great rendez-vous! 
First we taught Marie. We've recently started using the book of mormon videos to teach her because she really struggles with her memory and they've really been helping! Ever since she received a blessing she's seemed so much happier! It's been such a miracle that she's remembered our lessons and has made it to church a couple times! 
Then we had a lesson with Alodie! We talked to her about prayer and faith in Jesus Christ. We had asked her a few weeks ago to pray about a baptismal date and when we asked her about it at the end of our lesson she said she'd be ready in a few months. Shes such a sweet lady but I think her husband disapproval makes it hard. As we were leaving I asked her if her husband cou'ld join us in our next rendez-vous and she said yes! So pray for her husbands heart to be softened because I know this message can bless both of their lives so much!!
We had a lesson with another ami set but he wasn't able to come. The member who was going to be teaching with us invited us to dinner at her house and we were able to visit with them. As sad as it was that we couldn't meet with our ami, it was so great to get to know our members better! They're so so sweet!!
We were going to have a rendez-vous with George but sadly he had an allergic reaction and was at the doctor, but he's continued to read the book of mormon and message us everyday! We are so so happy for him and his progress and willingness to show his faith! 
It's so important that we all have that same willingness to act in faith! Faith is an action word!!! We have so many opportunities to serve and act everyday! I encourage all of you to take time everyday for the Lord and for the book of mormon. I know the Lord will bless you because of it and you will feel more peace and joy in your life!!
I love you all and hope you have an awesome week!!
(Also quick side note: halloween's coming up and no one really celebrates it here but I still love Halloween so send me pictures of your costumes and decorations if you get the chance!!)

1: visiting the cathedral in Chartes
2: got to see my cute MTV district again! (Minus sœur Didonoto)
3: we forgot umbrellas and it poured!!! We were 100% soaked!
4: same as picture #1 but just a little more fun
5: district p day playing card games after visiting the cathedral

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