Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Week 16..."Broken Jaw not a fat lip"

Another week under our belts! I say our because I have found that this mission thing is one big group effort! :) Gabi sounded so great this week. She had spent her p-day doing some fun things like touring a famous cathedral with her district and playing games. They are having great success with a man named George and feel like he is moving along through their discussions with great interest. Her French is progressing and she says that she is understanding more and more. My heart is so full of gratitude hearing that she is beginning to thrive. It was a rough start but definitely a growing experience for us all. Here is Gabi's email for the week...

Bonjour tout le monde !!
Wow what an amazing week! General conference was amazing! I'm so grateful that we have a prophet on the earth today! 
This week we had another lesson with George! Hes progressing so fast and reading the book of mormon! We taught him about the restoration and how we can recieve answers from our prayers. We can see a difference in him as hes smiling more and thanking his heavenly father for placing us in his lives. He told us that our text message to him was no coincidence! We were able to invite him to general conference and he came! Our members have been so loving towards him and he says that our church is a family and it's so true! Every lesson with George brings me so much more happiness! This really is the most amazing work in the world!
We also had another lesson with marie and we showed her the book of mormon videos to help her remember better! She understood the whole story and we're praying she'll continue to progress!
Sadly a lot of our other lessons that we had planned fell through or people didn't make it. But luckily when those things happen we can go out and look for others! It was a tough week in terms of missionary work but I'm still finding more happiness than I've ever felt! 
And finally General Conference! This was an amazing AMAZING weekend! I loved every minute of every session! (Even the session I watched twice because the first time I watched it in French and i didn't understand most of it!) We were invited to do so many things and offered so many blessings in return! I'm so excited to make these changes and to really center my whole life on jesus christ! This gospel brings more joy than anything else in the world! You may not see it immediately and you may not feel it all the time but if we are faithful in keeping the commandments and being true disciples of jesus christ we will experience enduring joy! I can promise you this is true! I've seen it work in my life and I know it can change yours! Do everything full heartedly in the gospel! One of my favorite talks in conference was by Terence M. Vinson! He was the one who talked about rugby and I loved it! (Shout out to my brother Diego because I've seen him go out and destroy himself playing rugby and football so this talk really resonated with me) and I want to leave you with these slightly modified words of wisdom: it is not our success but our sacrifice that matters to the lord! So go out and get a broken jaw NOT a fat lip!!! 
I love you all and hope you have an amazing week! Go make someone's day better!
Love, Sœur Uboldi 

1: we forgot our umbrellas and waited for a rendez-vous in the rain for 30 minutes!
2: we went to ikea and felt like we were back in America!!!
3: our amazing ami George and Sœur Penverne from the ward
4: waiting for our bus
5: district phone call picture 

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