Thursday, August 22, 2019

Week 2...June 28th, 2019

Well, the letter to family and friends was pretty upbeat and happy sounding but when we talked to Gabi today she was struggling. She felt like she just wasn't getting the language and that everyone was picking it up quicker than her. I reminded her that it was not a race...but that is what Gabi does! She Races...and does not usually lose. She felt like she either needed some anxiety meds or some counseling. I told her to definitely go talk to someone and that I thought it was a little early to take medications. I let her know that learning a language is hard for everyone and she is not the only one crying in their pillow. It breaks my hear to hear that she is suffering but I know it will make her stronger. It will increase our prayers and faith on her behalf as well. One thing she was very excited about was that she joined the MTC Choir. She said she has loved it! Also, she got my package with a candy gram and a bunch of other treats to share with her district. 

Bonjour ma famille et amis,
Man this week has been crazy! The second I got here they sent me right to class and I've been crazy busy ever since! My district is awesome and I am so grateful they are here! We are constatnly laughing and making jokes and it really makes everything so much fun. My companion Soeur (sister) Ryan is awesome! We have super opposite personalities but it actually makes it pretty interesting and shes been a huge help! So just some highlights for the week, on Sunday the 12 apostles were here for my devotional and Elder Holland spoke to us. It was AMAZING!! He basically talked about our purpose as a missionary and about the atonement and woah it was so powerful! And I joined the choir!  We sang for the devotional and there were 1,000 of us missionaries singing!! We sang sweet hour of prayer and when Elder Holland spoke he told us that every hour should be a sweet hour of prayer so that was super cool and it was a good reminder that we can always turn to our Heavenly Father no matter what.

Another "highlight" I was able to apply for my VISA!! Finally!!! Me and a few other missionaries woke up at 3:00 a.m. to fly to LA to apply for our visas, it was such a long process and then our flight home got delayed so it was even longer so I got home at 11:00!! but it was actually super cool to be out with a missionary tag on, so many people came and talked to us and it made my day!! So if you ever see a missionary make sure you say hi because its the best feeling! 

Funny story! So In my mission we have a little piece of Belgium and because of that we had to get our blood drawn because they need to check it for a bunch of things or we won't be allowed in Belgium! But they didn't tell us we needed that they just said we needed to go to the doctor so when I got there and they pulled out the need i was freaking out!! Ah i was so scared!! I felt so bad for my companion and the poor nurse. She gave me a teddy bear and I had to hold my companions hand but i was squirming soooo much so I don't know how she actually was able to get my blood but she did and then she gave me a sucker hahaha!! My district laughed at me but I was pretty proud of myself considering I didn't cry!! 

The MTC so far has been great! it definitly hasn't been easy but nothing easy is worth it!! I know that as long as I'm trying my best and working hard the Lord will strengthen me and help me with the language! (fun fact: learning a new language is not as easy as it sounds) 

I love all of you so much and I hope you have a great week!! I know Heavenly Father loves each of you so much and that he is here to comfort and strengthen us all! i encourage all of you to pray and strengthen your relationship with him! I know that it can bless your life sooo much!! I've seen it and I've only been working on it for a week!! You can do this!!!
Love, Soeur Uboldi

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Week 30...I'm staying Orléans

We talked to Gabi for quite a while this week. I think is general she is happy to being staying another transfer in Orléans. She's not a...