Well Gabi seemed good today. She was a little bugged that her shoe broke and that she had to buy new ones. I told her to get good ones this time. Those were only a couple months old at most! So she grabbed some Dr Martens and I assured her they would last the duration of her mission and probabaly life. I know one person who wore through the sole of a Dr. Martens and it was her dad on his mission. :) Besides that everything seemed to be going great. One more week till transfers so we will see what happens.
Bonjour tout le monde !
So this week flew by and I don't remember a lot of the things that happened but luckily I've got my journal!
So this week was really hard because of the fact that most of our rendez-vous fell through. We had a lot of plans and things kept getting pushed back or changed and in the end a lot of people didn't show up. But this opened up some time for finding and contacting!
We were able to talk to some new people and it was awesome! We got a few numbers and have a couple rendez-vous set up for this week so I'm pretty excited!
This week we had 3 rendez-vous scheduled for alodie. The first day we came and she wasn't there so we rescheduled for the next day, then the next day we came and we got there early so we were calling some people to make some new plans and we just got the feeling to go to her apartment early and as we walked there we saw her walking out of her apartment. She was carrying a bunch of recycling bags and was on her way out to go run some errands. She told us to come back the next day but because we were there early we were able to help her with her bags and the next day she was there for our rendez-vous and it went well! I know heavenly father gives us ways to help others and to show we care for them, even if it's just helping to carry their recycling. It was a miracle to me that heavenly father really is in the details of our lives and is giving us the chance to serve. This week I really learned about the small but meaningful things. Sometimes the small things are what matter most and what can change someone's day.
I invite all of you to go out and serve someone each day this week! Whether it be a smile or a text message. When we share the light of christ with others through the small and simple things the lord expands our efforts! I'm so grateful to be here and to be able to serve!
I hope you all have an amazing Thanksgiving filled with family and turkey!!
Love, Sœur Uboldi
1: district p day at the Orléans cathedral
2: me and Sœur Popoca at our favorite fountain
3: finding!
4: fun photo at the church